Elements of Quantum Optics II
(6./8. Fachsemester)
Die Vorlesung ist dreistündig:
Kurzfristige Terminänderungen können erfragt werden bei
C. Henkel (Tel. 0331.977 14 98, Raum
Ansprechpartner für die Übungen:
Übungsblätter / Problems
Inhalt der Vorlesung / Contents of the lecture
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The lecture is organised as a two-term course.
>> Winter
term 2001/02
Summer term 2002
1. Elementary laser theory
Semiclassical approach
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Quantum-mechanical treatment
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2. Coherent interactions
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Multilevel atoms
Adiabatic passage
Electromagnetic induced transparency
3. Mechanical effects
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Laser cooling and trapping
Atom optics
Bose-Einstein condensation
4. Sub-lambda quantum optics
Fluorescence in confined space
Thermal radiation
Structured continua and photonic crystals
5. Perspectives and open questions
C. Henkel,
10 June 2002.