# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
spherical Bessel functions and Mie solution

from pylab import *
from scipy.special import sph_jn, sph_yn, jv, yv

xsize = 6.5
ysize = xsize*0.5*(sqrt(5)-1)
tsize = 14

def jn(n, x, Q_all = False):
    if size(n) > 1 and Q_all:
        print('jn: take max of orders n')
        nMax = max(n)
        out = zeros_like(x)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = jn(nMax, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
    if size(x) > 1:
        out = zeros_like(x)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = jn(n, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
        out = sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1]
        return out # pick from the array only j_n(x)

def hn(n, x, Q_all = False):
    if size(n) > 1 and Q_all:
        print('hn: take max of orders n')
        nMax = max(n)
        out = zeros_like(x, dtype=complex)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = hn(nMax, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
    if size(x) > 1:
        out = zeros_like(x, dtype=complex)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = hn(n, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
        out = sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1] + 1j*sph_yn(n, x)[0][-1]
        return out # pick from the array only j_n(x)

def jp_n(n, x, Q_all = False):
    related to derivative of Riccati-Bessel function
    r = x*j
    r' = x*j' + j
    divide by x because we work with spherical Bessel
    jp = j' + j/x # indeed, n = 0 never appears
    if size(n) > 1 and Q_all:
        print('jn prime: take max of orders n')
        nMax = max(n)
        out = zeros_like(x)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = jp_n(nMax, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
    if size(x) > 1:
        out = zeros_like(x)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = jp_n(n, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
        out = sph_jn(n, x)[1][-1] # pick from the array only jp_n(x)
        out += sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1]/x
        return out 

def hp_n(n, x, Q_all = False):
    related to derivative of Riccati-Bessel function
    r = x*j
    r' = x*j' + j
    divide by x because we work with spherical Bessel
    jp = j' + j/x # indeed, n = 0 never appears
    if size(n) > 1 and Q_all:
        print('hn prime: take max of orders n')
        nMax = max(n)
        out = zeros_like(x)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = hp_n(nMax, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
    if size(x) > 1:
        out = zeros_like(x)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            out[ii] = hp_n(n, xi, Q_all = False)
        return out
        out = sph_jn(n, x)[1][-1] + 1j*sph_yn(n, x)[1][-1] # pick from the array only jp_n(x)
        out += (sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1] + 1j*sph_yn(n, x)[0][-1])/x
        return out 

def ricc_bess(n, x):
    return sqrt(0.5*pi*x)*jv(n+0.5, x)

def ricc_bess_h(n, x):
    return sqrt(0.5*pi*x)*(jv(n+0.5, x) + 1j*yv(n+0.5, x))

def Mie_denom(ell, x, z, p = 0):
    denominator of Mie coefficient, its zeros correspond to scattering resonances
    p = 0 is TE polarisation
    p = 1 is TM polarisation
    n = z/x # relative index of sphere vs exterior
    if p == 0:
        alph = n*hn(ell,x)*jp_n(ell,z) - hp_n(ell,x)*jn(ell,z)
    else: # p == 1
        alph = hn(ell,x)*jp_n(ell,z) - n*hp_n(ell,x)*jn(ell,z)
    return alph

def Mie_alpha(ell, x, z, p = 0):
    if ell == 0:
        print('ell = 0 unphysical, return zero.')
        return zeros_like(ell)
        denom = Mie_denom(ell, x, z, p = p)
        n = z/x # relative index of sphere vs exterior
        if p == 0:
            num = - (n*jn(ell,x)*jp_n(ell,z) - jp_n(ell,x)*jn(ell,z))
        else: # p == 1
            num = - (jn(ell,x)*jp_n(ell,z) - n*jp_n(ell,x)*jn(ell,z))
        return num/denom

def Mie_xs(x, z, Q_lastterm = False, Q_sca = False):
    ell_max = int(z + 10) # rough estimate for cutoff of angular
    # momentum sum
    if not(Q_sca):
        Qsum = 0.
        for ell in range(1, ell_max):
            term = -(2*ell+1)*( real(Mie_alpha(ell, x, z, p = 0)) \
                     + real(Mie_alpha(ell, x, z, p = 1)) )
            Qsum += term
        Qsum *= 2./x**2
        if Q_lastterm:
            return (Qsum, term)
            return Qsum
        Qsum = 0.
        Qsca = 0.
        for ell in range(1, ell_max):
            TE_Mie = Mie_alpha(ell, x, z, p = 0)
            TM_Mie = Mie_alpha(ell, x, z, p = 1)
            term = -(2*ell+1)*( real(TE_Mie) + real(TM_Mie) )
            Qsum += term
            term_sca = (2*ell+1)*( abs(TE_Mie)**2 + abs(TM_Mie)**2 )
            Qsca += term_sca
        Qsum *= 2./x**2
        Qsca *= 2./x**2
        if Q_lastterm:
            return ((Qsum, term), (Qsca, term_sca))
            return (Qsum, Qsca)

if False:
    x_max = 10.
    N_x = 64
    x = linspace(0.001, x_max, N_x)

if False:
    for n in range(5):
        figure(1, (xsize, ysize), tight_layout=True)
        plot( x, jn(n, x), label = r'$j_{%i}$' %(n) )
    xlabel('Mie parameter $x$', size = tsize)
    ylabel('spherical Bessel', size = tsize)

if False:
    for n in range(5):
        figure(1, (xsize, ysize), tight_layout=True)
        plot( x, x*jn(n, x), label = r'$x\, j_{%i}(x)$' %(n) )
        plot( x, ricc_bess(n, x), 'x' ) #, label = r'\mathsf{Riccati-Bessel}' )
    xlabel('Mie parameter $x$', size = tsize)
    ylabel('Mie functions', size = tsize)

if True:
    index = 1.33
    x = 8.
    z = x*index
    ell_max = int(x + 10)
    ell_Table = range(1,ell_max)
    denom_Table = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    alpha_Table = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    denomM_Table = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    alphaM_Table = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    for ii, ell in enumerate(ell_Table):
        denom_Table[ii] = Mie_denom(ell, x, z)
        alpha_Table[ii] = Mie_alpha(ell, x, z)
        denomM_Table[ii] = Mie_denom(ell, x, z, p = 1)
        alphaM_Table[ii] = Mie_alpha(ell, x, z, p = 1)

if False:
    figure(2, (xsize, ysize), tight_layout=True)
    plot( ell_Table, abs(denom_Table), 'r.')
    plot( ell_Table, abs(denomM_Table), 'm.')
    xlabel( 'angular momentum')
    ylabel( 'Mie denominators' )

if False:
#    figure(2, (xsize, ysize), tight_layout=True)
    plot( ell_Table, abs(alpha_Table), 'b.--', label = 'TE')
    plot( ell_Table, abs(alphaM_Table), 'g.--', label = 'TM')
    xlabel( 'angular momentum')
    ylabel( 'Mie amplitudes' )
    ylim(0, 2)
if False:
    index = 1.33
    x_max = 20.
    N_x = 200
    x = linspace(0.1, x_max, N_x)
    Mie_ext = zeros_like(x)
    print('compute Mie cross section: will take some time ...')
    for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
        if ii % 10: 
            print ii,
        Mie_ext[ii] = Mie_xs( xi, xi*index )
    figure(3, (xsize, ysize), tight_layout=True)
    plot( x, Mie_ext, 'm', label = r'$\mathsf{water}$' )
    xlabel('particle size $x$')
    ylim(0, 3)

if True:
    index = 1.33
    N_x = 100
    x = linspace(20.3, 22., N_x)
    fh = subplot(3,1,1)
        plot( x, Mie_ext, 'm', lw = 1.5, label = r'$\mathsf{water}$' )
    except NameError:
        Mie_ext = zeros_like(x)
        for ii, xi in enumerate(x):
            Mie_ext[ii] = Mie_xs( xi, xi*index )
        plot( x, Mie_ext, 'm', lw = 1.5, label = r'$\mathsf{water}$' )
    xlabel('particle size $x$')
    ylabel(r'$\sigma_{\sf ext} / \pi a^2$')
    ylim(0, 3)
    fh.set_figsize = (xsize, ysize)

#    xi = 20.5
    xi = 20.83
    fh.plot([xi, xi], [0, 3], 'k--')
    ell_max = 30
    ell_Table = range(1, ell_max)
    Mie_den = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    Mie_denM = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    for ii, ell in enumerate(ell_Table):
        Mie_den[ii] = Mie_alpha( ell, xi, xi*index, p = 0 )
        Mie_denM[ii] = Mie_alpha( ell, xi, xi*index, p = 1 )
    plot( ell_Table, abs(Mie_den)**2, 'ro', label = 'TE ($x = %2.3g$)' %(xi))
    plot( ell_Table, abs(Mie_denM)**2, 'bo', label = 'TM')
    xlabel('angular momentum')
    ylim(0., 1.05)

#    xi = 20.83
    xi = 21.31
    fh.plot([xi, xi], [0, 3], 'k--')
    ell_max = 30
    ell_Table = range(1, ell_max)
    Mie_den = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    Mie_denM = zeros_like(ell_Table, dtype = complex)
    for ii, ell in enumerate(ell_Table):
        Mie_den[ii] = Mie_alpha( ell, xi, xi*index, p = 0 )
        Mie_denM[ii] = Mie_alpha( ell, xi, xi*index, p = 1 )
    plot( ell_Table, abs(Mie_den)**2, 'm.--', label = 'TE ($x = %2.3g$)' %(xi))
    plot( ell_Table, abs(Mie_denM)**2, 'g.--', label = 'TM')
    legend(loc='upper left')

if True:
    ell = 24
    x_zoom = linspace(xi-0.1, xi+0.1, N_x)
    Mie_coeff = zeros_like(x_zoom, dtype = complex)
    Mie_coeffM = zeros_like(x_zoom, dtype = complex)
    for ii, xj in enumerate(x_zoom):
        Mie_coeff[ii] = Mie_alpha( ell, xj, xj*index, p = 0 )
        Mie_coeffM[ii] = Mie_alpha( ell, xj, xj*index, p = 1 )
    plot( x_zoom, abs(Mie_coeff)**2, 'm', lw = 1.5, label = r'TE, $\ell = %i$' %(ell))
    plot( x_zoom, abs(Mie_coeffM)**2, 'g', lw = 1.5, label = r'TM')
    xlabel('particle size $x$')
    ylabel(r'$|\alpha_{%i}|^2$' %(ell))
    ylim(0., 1.05)
    legend(loc='upper left')

if True:
    x_inner = linspace(0.1, xi, N_x)

    y_data = jn(ell, index*x_inner)*abs(Mie_alpha(ell, xi, xi*index, p = 0))
    plot( x_inner, y_data, label = r'$\ell = %i$' %(ell) )
    plot( [xi, xi], [min(y_data), max(y_data)], 'k-' )
    ell_list = [ell-2, ell-1, ell+1, ell+2]
    for m in ell_list:
        y_data = jn(m, index*x_inner)*abs(Mie_alpha(m, xi, xi*index, p = 0))
        plot( x_inner, y_data, '--', label = r'$\ell = %i$' %(m) )
    xlabel('position $k r$')
    ylabel('mode function $j_{%i}( n k r )$' %(ell))
    legend(loc = 'upper left')



Examples: (left) normalized extinction cross section vs size parameter x = k a. (right) analysis of resonances near l = 24